Adding Citations to Yoast WordPress SEO schema
Yoast WordPress SEO 12.1 included a new filter – wpseo_schema_organization_social_profiles to filter an organization’s social profiles in the schema output. You can use this filter to modify social profiles (sameAs attribute) in the Organization schema object. Note: you don’t have to use this just for adding social profiles – any websites you are associated with can be included
add_filter('wpseo_schema_organization_social_profiles', 'ns_yoast_socials');
function ns_yoast_socials($profiles){
$profiles[] ='';
$profiles[] ='';
$profiles[] ='';
return $profiles;
Add the above snipped to your theme functions file, and the Yoast Schema output will be amended to include these citation urls
This method of adding Citation listings to your SameAs attribute helps with the process of interlinking citations – a method to boost your listings being indexed and should be part of your DKM (Digital Knowledge Management) strategy to build your Local SEO